General Meeting Minutes for 2008

General Meeting Minutes for January 9th 2008
-Lion Paul Bassette introduced prospective new member, Colby Smith, as our guest. He is the Son of Jerry Smith a past Grand Island Lion Member.
-Lion Donna Lavallee won the Split Club and donated the $11 to “Sight First II”.
-Correspondence Lion Secretary Kathie Norris received a letter from Isle de Grande putting a value on our web site of $136. Isle de Grande and GEICOM.NET hosts our Club’s web site but does not charge us for this service.
-Opportunities Unlimited is selling flower arrangements as a fundraiser. See Lion Norris if you are interested.
-Lion Bassette reported on the UNYTS Blood Drive set for February 24th. Volunteers are needed to set up advertising and for the day of the event. A committee was formed including Lions Bassette, Ackerman, Planavsky, Ferrentino, Dubiel D, Dubiel J, Bois-Lobl, Ruocco, Rusert and Norris.
-The State Convention scheduled for May 1-4th of this year was discussed. Lion Bassette suggested the Club take out and advertisement in the Convention Newspaper and perhaps host a Hospitality Booth. This was sent to the Board for consideration. Lions Norris and Ferrentino volunteered to represent Our Club at the event. Lion Bassette mentioned that Former Grand Island Lion Paul Krupa would be at the Convention and Host a Hospitality Booth with his new Club in Lake Luzerne, New York.
-Lion Crawford reported that the Spaghetti Dinner would need the help of all Lions and he will be forming a committee to work on this including Tom Rusert and John McCarthy. Lion Anne Fahning suggested we find someone to do the PA work that Lion Bruce Kaiser did. Lion Jerry Dubiel would contact someone for this. Lion Crawford asked the club to consider naming the Dinner the Renee Gerber Spaghetti Dinner in Memory of the cook who volunteered at the dinner for many years. Lion Bassette brought up the concept of two tiered pricing for the dinner with higher prices at the door.
-Lion Fred Ruocco will again organize the Valentines Party. Price would be $20, and be held on February 13th.
-Lion Ruocco will inventory the Loan Closet as per the earlier Board Meeting discussion.
-Lion Kathie Norris announced the next Bon-Ton Fundraiser would be held on March 1st and we would have a table for the entire day at the Delaware Ave. Bon-Ton. Volunteers are needed.
-Lion Diane Dubiel announced there would be car-pooling for the Hands Across the Border event at 5PM in the Blockbuster parking lot on January 15th.
-Lion Bassette said the Nominating Committee would meet in February.
-BOD Meetings were scheduled for February 11th; 6:30AM at Lion Anne fanning’s house, and March 12th at 6PM, Holliday Inn.
-New Members were inducted into Our Club by Lion Bassette. They are Dr. Bill Wind Jr, Joseph P. Wind, and Thomas J. Rusert. The Wind Brothers were sponsored by their Father, Lion Bill Wind, while Thomas J was sponsored by his Father, Lion Thomas E. Rusert.
-Our Speaker was new member Lion Bill Wind Jr. He spoke to us about “Doc Day for Kids”, a fundraiser for the Sister’s Hospital NCIS unit. The event is in Memory of his Uncle Dr. Andy Gage and is being held this year on February 24th.
Lion Wind also gave a slide and video presentation on the advances in his specialty, Knee surgery. He is a Member of the University Sports Medicine Group.
-The Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky


General Meeting Minutes for January 23rd 2008

-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino introduced our Guests including District Governor Ken Butkowski, Lion Joseph Biondo (Region Two Chair), Prospective new members John and Debbie Mondoux (Grandparents of Madison), nine members of our Merritton Sister Club.
-There was no 50/50 drawing but Lion Dick Crawford won a special raffle that was open to all Lions and Guests. The Prize was a case of beer and baseball cap.
-Lion Paul Bassette announced the Blood Drive is now set for February 24th and urged all lions to participate.
-Lion Tom Witkowski reported on Sight First II and announced that Lion Dick Crawford donated $500 from his election funds to SFII.
-DG Butkowski discussed district wide events and gave an inspirational talk on Lionism.
-DG Butkowski also announced the Kenmore Lions would hold a Pancake Breakfast on February 24th and our lions could have breakfast after donating blood.
-Lion Tom Rusert noted that after breakfast on the 24th we could all go to the Buffalo Brew Pub and join in the “Doc Day for Kids” Fundraiser.
-DG Butkowski inducted Lion Dave Pelosi into Our Club.
-Merritton Lion Bob Schram reported that he and PDG George Hostick would bicycle ride around Lake Ontario beginning on May 5th as a fundraiser for Sight First II. The journey would last thirteen days of around 100 miles each day.
-Lion Dick Crawford reminded the Lions that our Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser would be on April 14th.
-LP Ferrentino announced our next board meeting would be at Lion Anne Fahning’s house on February 11th, 6:30AM.
-Lion Henry Lobl reported that he and Lion Annette are negotiating with Kalieda Health to get an adjustment on the bill for Madison Mondoux. Our fundraising brought in $670 for her bills and Lion Lobl expects matching funds of $500 to come from the Ray Wheeler Fund. Another $1000 could be applied for future medical expenses.
-Lion Secretary Kathie Norris Reported that the Ray wheeler fund is requesting a donation of 50 cents per lion from all clubs.
-A “Vision Beyond Sight” Golf Tournament will be held on June 16th. Lions are invited to a planning meeting at the Ross Eye Institute at 7PM on January 30th.
-Lion Norris passed out calendars from the Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service and announced that Organization would be broadcasting on WNED radio.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9PM.

Respectfully submitted Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for February 27th 2008
-Our Guest Speaker was Charlene Carson from 1st Priority. Charlene spoke to us about the subprime mortgage crisis and how it has affected housing and the mortgage business in this area and nationwide.
-Lion tom DiCarlo won the 50/50 split and donated $32 to Sight First II.
-Lion Tom Witkowski reported that Sight First II has raised 147 million dollars, just three million short of its goal to date. He reported that the “Walk for Sight" this year would be April 19th with the walk scheduled to start at 11AM. Last year the walk brought in over $7000. Registration is $5 and Lions could sign up for Tee shirts etc to help the cause. Anyone donating $150 or more would be able to advertize on the tee shirts being sold. See Lion Tom for more details.
-Lion Witkowski also announced that MD20 received $200,000 for MTI Photo-screening and that our club would be eligible for funding to help our Island screening efforts.
-Recycling: Lion Witkowski routinely collects scrap metals and donates the proceeds to “Angel Flight”.
-Lion Donna Lavallee reported that Lion Henry Lobl had recent surgery as a follow up to his previous open heart surgery. Lion Henry is home and doing fine.
-John and Debbie Mondoux were inducted into our club in a ceremony conducted by Lion Dick Crawford. Lion Thomas E. Rusert was the Sponsor for both.
Committee Reports:
-Lion Paul Bassette reported that the Blood Drive was a success but would like to see a better turnout and better advertizing in the future. There were 19 sign-ups and 16 people processed with 13 of those giving blood. Lion Bassette suggested we might consider doing a blood drive during the Spaghetti Dinner. Lion DiCarlo pointed out that donors need to wait 51 days between donations.
-Lion Bassette announced the Nominating Committee would meet next month. The committee consists of Lions Bassette, Dubiel J, Dubiel D, Chervinsky, Hahn, and Wind W (Sr.)
-Lion Norm Hahn reported that he and Lion President Shelia Ferrentino attended the Blind and Charity Meeting and that they have over one million dollars built up in the Fund. Our Club would receive $1000 from our shares in the Fund’s recent drive.
-Lion Crawford reported on the Spaghetti Dinner and passed out tickets for our members to sell. He needs help with the placemat sales. Lions Dubiel J and Mondoux D, and Ferrentino offered to Help. Lion Ferrentino would also buy an ad. Lion Crawford will ask Lion Annette Lobl to head up the baked goods sale again this year.  Lion Anne Fahning will work on the Chinese Auction.
-Lion Secretary Kathie Norris reminded the Lions that the Bon-Ton Fund-raiser would be March 1st.
-The Buffalo League of Sightless Bowlers are selling ads for their event. See Lion Norris for information.
-The Newfane Lions are having a drawing to help a Lion who was an accident victim. Tickets are $20. See Lion Norris.
Lion President Ferrentino reported that a Health and Wellness Expo would be held at the Grand Island High School on March 26th. Lion Witkowski would look into the possibility of setting up MTI Photo-screening at the event.
-The next meeting would be at the Merritton Lions Club at 6:30PM. Car-Pooling would be at the Blockbuster Parking Lot at 5:15PM. Cars will leave Blockbuster at 5:30.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for March 26th 2008
-Guests were Heidi Lang from Mount St. Mary’s Hospital and Lion Bob Goulding from the Riverside Lions Club.
-Lion Goulding spoke to us about a project he and the riverside Lions are conducting to send protective eyeglasses to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan . He reported that 13% of injuries in these wars involve eyesight and that these glasses could be a help for our troops. He left five pairs of glasses for our club to distribute and invited our club to become involved with this. The glasses are sent in small lots to troops from our community. This is done to ensure the glasses get directly into our troops hands. Anyone interested in more information should contact Lion Goulding at 775-0254 (evenings).
-Heidi Lang spoke to us about the Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at St Mary’s.
-The 50/50 Raffle was won by Lion Earl DeGlopper who was not present. The $9 will go back into the pot.
-Lion Diane Dubiel reported on the upcoming Cabinet Meeting at The Chautauqua Institute on April 12th and invited all Lions to attend.
-Committee Reports:
-Lion dick Crawford reported that the Spaghetti Dinner would be April 14th and urged Lions to sell their tickets.
-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino asked Lions Floyd Doring and Tom DiCarlo to help coordinate the “Kids Picnic” again with Lion Mike Steinagel.
-Lion Kathie Norris reported that we took in $275 selling coupon books and she expects to get an additional $240 from Bon-Ton. Most of the booklets were sold at the door by Lions Ferrentino and Lobl along with Colleen Furnia and Crystal (Fahning) Gregory.
-Lion Paul Bassette reported the projected slate of officers that the Nominating Committee proposed. Left open was the position of Recording Secretary. Lions Annette Lobl, Kathie Norris and Paul Bassette agreed to co-chair this position. The slate would be voted on by the membership at the April 9th meeting.
- Lion Dubiel D. reported she would not be doing Pizza Hut fund raisers in the future.
-Colby Smith was inducted into the Club by Lion Dick Crawford. Lion Paul Bassette is Lion Smiths sponsor.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky  


General Meeting Minutes for April 9th 2008
-Our Guest was Lion Jennifer Butkowski. She along with Lion Tom Witkowski spoke to the club about Sight programs.
-Lion Witkowski reported he will attend this Saturday’s Cabinet Meeting along with Lions Diane Dubiel and Paul Bassette.
-The “Walk for Sight” would be on Saturday April 19th. Cost is $5 and it will be held at the Amherst Pepsi Center beginning at 10AM.
-April 26th Our Club will do MTI Photo-screening at the Grand Island H.S.
-Lion Butkowski reported that she is the administrator for the LionsSee program headquartered in the Ira Ross Vision Center . She reported that 8 of 12 districts in the state are participating in the program. The state has a $200,000 grant from LCI to implement sight programs like MTI Photo-screening. Our district has 10 cameras. Six are film cameras and four are digital. She reported that the digital will not detect strabismus and does not give you a picture you can see right away like the Polaroid. There will be training for MTI screening at the Ira Ross center on May 10th. Contact Lion Butkowski for more info.
-Secretaries report:
-Lion Kathie Norris read a request fro a donation from the American Diabetes Association for their camp in rush NY.
-The Wheatfield Lions are holding a picnic on July 20th and a Pancake Breakfast on April 27th. The breakfast is $5 and will be at 6535 Ward Road from 8AM to 1PM.
-LCI sent a letter of recognition to Lions Tomas J. Rusert and Bill Wind Sr. for bringing new members into the club.
-The Radio Reading Service will hold their Banquet on April 27th at Salvatore’s. Cost is $21 per person.
-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino reported the Club received a thank you letter from Docs Days for Kids. Lion Bill Wind Sr. reported that the fund started by his Uncle Dr. Andy Gage, and run in his memory, took in $26,000 this year and helps fund programs at local Hospitals.
-The Cabinet Recognition Dinner is being held on May 17th at the Buffalo Convention Center. A motion (by Lion Bassette) was made and passed to pay for Lion President Ferrentino and her Guest to attend.
-The State Convention would be held on May 2-5th at the Niagara Falls Convention Center. Among the things to be voted on would be a dues increase for all clubs. Representing our club would be Lions Ferrentino, Bassette, Planavsky, and (alternate) Hahn. Prior to the Convention, there will be a free social with drinks and snacks for all lions on Thursday May 1st 7:30-11PM. Our club will car pool from the Blockbuster Parking Lot at 7PM for this event. On Friday there will be a Melvin Jones Luncheon those tentatively attending include Lions Bassette and Witkowski.
-Lion president Ferrentino announced the next board meeting would be at 6PM on April 23rd at the Buffalo Launch Club.
- Buffalo News “Kids Day” to support Children’s Hospital would be on Tuesday April 29th. Those wishing to Volunteer should report to the Knights of Columbus Hall at 5:30AM.
-Lion Dick Crawford reported things are in place for the Spaghetti Dinner. He asked Lion Donna Lavallee to have the Phone Committee call Lions to make deserts for the Bake Sale. Jim Hanna a close friend of Lion Bruce Kaiser will help with the PA system.
-Lion Ferrentino read the list of 2008-09 Officers and a vote was taken and passed to accept the slate.
-Lion Floyd Doring reported that he and Lion Mike Steinagel were concerned about not having Hats for the “kids Picnic” Lion Crawford reported that there currently is no money for hats and we would have to wait until after the Spaghetti Dinner to see if funds could become available.
-Lion Bassette reported we have 0 points in a contest from 20N that encourages reporting our club activities  Lion Witkowski added that our club needs 28,000 points and that points are given for time spent on committees and activities of the club. Lion Dubiel noted the club secretary needs to do this and committees need to report to her.  Lion Secretary Norris agreed to look into the details of this and send in reports beginning with the Lions New Year in July.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes of April 23rd 2008

-Our Guests at the meeting were Elizabeth O'Donnell of Gliding Stars and prospective new members James Hartung and Christine Ferguson.
-Lion Henry Lobl won the split club of $29.
-Lion Jerry Dubiel ran a special drawing for a basket that was left over from the Spaghetti Dinner. Our Guest Christine Ferguson won the basket and we raised $140 for the Welfare Fund.
-Lion Dick Crawford reported that he went to an event in memory of Lion Bruce Kaiser and won a raffle worth $85. He donated the money to our scholarship fund.
-Lion Dick Crawford reported that our Spaghetti Dinner grossed $4454 and that our Welfare Budget was in good shape and should be in the black for the rest of the year. We will be able to buy hats for the Kids Picnic. He will try to coordinate the date for next year's dinner so it would be earlier in the year. Lion Tom DiCarlo praised the job Lion Dan Morabito did preparing the sauce and suggested we recognize the cook at the Holiday Inn who worked tirelessly with us. The Club decided we should get a plaque him.
-Elizabeth O'Donnell gave and inspiring presentation on how the Gliding Stars Organization helps children and adults overcome their disabilities through the skating program. Their web site is www.glidingstars.com
-Lion Tom Witkowski reported that there were no Grand Island Lions at the Walk for Sight event. In spite of that they raised $5400. Lion Witkowski also reminded the club of the MTI Photoscreening on Saturday at the GIMS. He also sold candy bars at the meeting and announced he is half way to his personal goal of raising $1000 for Sight First II.
-Lion Diane Dubiel announced she would decline to be a Cabinet Member this coming year so she can devote all of her time to the Club Presidency. Lion Witkowski would take her place on the cabinet.
-Lion Paul Bassette reported news from the recent Cabinet Meeting that there will be a Cycle for Sight held at Westwood Park in Lancaster NY on May 18th. The 50-mile ride would start at 9AM and 25 mile at 10AM. 
-There will be a golf Tournament at the Lancaster Country Club on June 16th to benefit the Ross Eye Institute. Cost is $150.
-Lion Bassette also reported that our club needs to file a 990N report for tax purposes.
-There are new procedures for recycling. The information was turned over to Lion Jerry Dubiel who runs the program for our club.
-Lion Bassette explained the dues increase proposed by Multiple District 20. Voting will take place at the Convention and our club passed a resolution to vote no on the proposal. There are four other proposals that would be voted on at the convention. The club deferred action on these until the information could be distributed. Lion Diane Dubiel will forward the information to Lion Dave Chervinsky for distribution and members could vote their preference by e-mail.
-We received a check of $267 from Bon-Ton for the last fundraiser.
-Peace Poster awards will be given out at our meeting on May 14th.
-Lion Bassette announced that Marshall Cancilla would be honored for being last years Peace poster winner (all the way up to the State level) at the Convention at 4PM on Friday. Lion Tom Witkowski would attend.
-The meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM.

 Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for May 14th 2008.
-Guests included Peace poster winners Marshall Cancilla, Carlene Conway and their Families. Also attending were prospective new members Tommy Wikowski (Son of Lion Tom), Town Supervisor Peter McMahon, Lyse Moreau and Norman Marow.
-Peace poster winners Carlene and Marshall made short presentations describing their winning posters. Lion Marlaine Kanecki introduced our Peace Poster guests and Lion Paul Bassette gave a short history of the Peace Poster Program. This is the 21st year of competition and this year we had over 350,000 entries internationally. The Posters will be on display at the GI Library for one year while Marshall Cancilla’s poster will have a permanent place since he also won the District and State competition.
-Lion Henry Lobl announced that he has negotiated a deal with Kaleida Health to get a 50% reduction in all health bills accrued from Madison Mondoux. This will also apply to future health costs related to her eye condition.
-Lion tom Rusert reported that Joseph Mondoux, Madison ’s Father, would be inducted into our club at the May 28th meeting.
-Lion Diane Dubiel reported that prospective new member Lyse Moreau gave a $300 donation for the “Special Kids Picnic”.
-Lion Bassette reported that the Scholarship Committee would meet on the next two Tuesdays to consider 32 applications that were submitted this year. The Committee consists of Lions Bassette (Chairman), Bois-Lobl A, Dubiel D, Hahn, Lavallee, and Frentzel.
-Lion Dick Crawford reported that we will get back $1034.05 form the Lions Blind and Charity Fund. Lion Crawford and Lion Norm Hahn are our club representatives for the Fund.
-Lion Bassette reported that he along with Lions John McCarthy and Dick Crawford was unable to attend the Melvin Jones Banquet because of an additional $40 registration fee for the Convention that had not applied in the past. He recommended that the Board address this issue and appoint a person organize convention events in the future.
It was also pointed out that there were no provisions for our delegates to pay the $40 fee and they did not get to vote. Lion PDG George Casey reported that all issues that were voted on passed including a dues increase. Lion Casey and Tom Witkowski did attend.
-Lion Witkowski reported we photo-screened nine children at the Grand Island Health fair.
-Lion Witkowski also reported that he attended a Community needs assessment Lecture at the State Convention and will report more on this in the future.
-Donna Lavallee won the $9 in the split club but was not present. The money went back into the pot.
-Secretaries Report: Lion Kathie Norris received a solicitation from the Ride for Roswell . Lion Dave chervinsky suggested if anyone would like to make a donation they could do it through him since he will be riding in the event.
-There will be an event by Isle Happenings on June 28th
-The Western NY Independent Living Banquet would be June 15th and the cost is $25.
-Lion President Shelia Ferrentino announced the Buffalo Host Club would have a “Coffee Date” on June 8th at a cost of $15.
-Lion Diane Dubiel is looking for someone to take over the July 4th duties.
Lion Norm Hahn announced he is working on the Installation Dinner that would be held at the BLC on June 11th.
-Lion Ferrentino announced that the next BOD Meeting would be at 6PM May 28th at the BLC.
The Meeting was adjourned at 9PM.

Respectfully submitted Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for May 28th 2008

-Guests at the meeting were Bill Crelner who spoke to us about “Us Too” a Prostate Cancer support group, and new members Mike Wind and Joe Mondoux. Also Present were --- and Madison Mondoux, Joe’s Wife and Daughter.
-The split Club was won by Tom Butler who was not present to win. The $19 will go back into the pot.
-New collection boxes for eyeglasses (Approved by the Board) were discussed.
-The Loan Closet needs cleaning. Lion Fred Ruocco will organize this. It was mentioned that the electric wheelchairs need to be inspected and certified. Lion Tom Witkowski could do this. Lion Dan Morabito also said he has a contact for this.
-Lion president Shelia Ferrentino announced there will be a Special Kids Picnic Meeting at 7PM on June 16th at Lion Mike Steinagel’s home (…Pin Oak Circle).
-Hats for the Picnic were discussed. Lion Dr. Bill Wind Jr. volunteered to sponsor the cost of the hats. He also has a contact and will get pricing for the Club.
-Lion Paul Bassette described the Clubs scholarship program. He announced that there were 32 applicants this year and the committee had difficult choices to make. Committee members are Lions Bassette, Hahn, Lavallee, Dubiel D, Frentzel, and Bois-Lobl. The winners will be announced at the H.S. graduation.
-Lion Tom Witkowski was honored at the Cabinet Recognition Dinner with the International Directors Leadership Medal. The Medal was presented on behalf of International Director Jimmy Ross by Past International Director John Rabideau.
- Lions Henry and Annette Lobl donated their Secretary and Tail twister pins from their Maine Lions Club to Our Club.
-Joe Mondoux (Father of Madison) and Mike Wind were inducted into our Club by Lion Dick Crawford. Lion Tomas J. Rusert is their Sponsor.
Lion Ferrentino announced there will be a board meeting on the last Wednesday of June. More details will follow.
-Dues for our Club will be $73 for 2008-09.
Lion Witkowski announced there will be a dinner at the Merritton Field House this Friday to honor George Hosdick and his Wife, who bicycled around Lake Ontario for the Guide Dogs of Canada.
-The Meeting adjourned at 9:05PM

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

General Meeting Minutes for 9/10/08.

Call to order at 7:10PM. Pledge was led by John MacNeil. Song was led by Norm Hahn. Prayer said by Paul Bassette. Ann Fanning introduced Andrew Spacone, a prospective member. Dave Chervinsky introduced Patrick Whalen, the Chief Operating Officer, of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus in downtown Buffalo, and who spoke about the partnership of medical, research, education and private enterprise institutions to develop a world-class campus. For information go to
www.bnmc.org. The Split Club at $36 remained as the chosen name Floyd Doring was not present. President Diane Dubiel made the following announcements; 1 .the Buffalo Riverside Lions club will award 4 Melvin Jones awards. The District Governor will induct 4 new members. This club has 16 members. These accomplishments are quite remarkable.2. 20Nand 20E will conduct a MERLE Workshop on 10/18/08 at the School for the Blind in Batavia. Contact Diane if you plan to attend. 3. Community Needs assessment Diane reported on the program, which Tom Witkowski presented at Springville Orientation Meeting. Henry Lobl suggested that we look at our current committees and expand the activities we already do. Issue turned over to the Board. 4.Bon Ton Days 11/15. This is an easy way for the Club to raise money. 5. Diane and Shelia developed an activity report that each Committee Chair would use for projects. This report would be due at the end of each month to Secretary Kathie Norris. The form is on the website.6. Seven club members attended the 20 N Leadership forum including new members, Mark and Diane Dunbar, Colby Smith and Dave Pelosi.7. Neighbors for Sight mail Kit to support the Olmstead/Ross Clinics. See Diane for a kit. Diane complimented Donna on her efforts in arranging for the rooms and meals with the Holiday Inn and the BLC. Diane recognized Dick Planavsky's coordination of the White Cane Days. Despite limited participation the campaign was successful.
Committees-Dick Crawford reported that the Budget is in place at a level, which is realistic. Spaghetti Dinner-Dick announced that March 20 is the date established with the Holiday Inn staff. Peace Poster contest. Paul announced that the information has been sent to the schools. Marlaine Kaniecki is the Co-Chair. Scholarshp-Paul stated that a meeting would be held to discuss the Dollars for Scholars program. He read thank-you notes from the June Scholarship winners. Vest project-Paul stated that none has been ordered. The phone committee and another notice in the Newsletter should raise awareness of the need for a minimum of 12 in the order. UNYTS=Paul discussed the letter from the organization and the need for larger space and a larger audience. Discussion followed re. the Island being saturated with Blood Drives. Dick made a motion for the Club to support the blood drive efforts of the K of C and Fire Hall in lieu of the Club conducting its own. 2nd by Bill wind. CARRIED.
Motion to adjourn made by John MacNeil, 2nd.by Anne.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Boies-Lobl, Secretary

GI Lions General Meeting 9-24-08

Call to order at 7:15 pm at BLC.
Pledge led by Bill Wind. Song by Dave Chervinsky and the Prayer was said by Paul.
President Diane turned over the meeting to Paul Bassette who will discuss the Peace Poster Quilt as a means to raise funds. This was presented at the Cabinet Meeting. The quilt is twin size and depicts 8 winning Peace Posters. In this Quilt there are two of our posters. If the Club keeps the Quilt there is a cost of $275 paid to the Quiltmaker. Money could be raised by selling a limited number of chances $5-$ 10 price tickets. Venue could be at Spaghetti dinner. Discussion followed concerning ticket prices,member participation,interest of people in the Quilt etc.. Vote by members present carried not to buy quilt.
Announcements by President Diane;Correspondence-thank-You notes from Dr. Lee from Campaign sight for $95 donation and Patrick Whalen ,last meeting's speaker and notes from kids from the picnic. The Niagara Frontier reading Service has a Chinese Auction at the Hearthstone Manor on 10/12. The Depew Lions Sportmen's night information was passed around. Information was given to Dick Crawford on the Martin Printing Company. The Leader Dog organization is celebrating its 70th anniversary and is challenging Clubs to give $70 more than was given last year. Members would get pens and patches. Paul announced that the Bflo/Latino Club Charter Ceremony is 11/01. This is the first charter since 1988; George Casey will attend.
Committees: Sunshine Rita De Glopper is ill. Bon Ton=Kathie let all know that the Cub has space to sell books the day of the Sale at the Delaware Ave, store beginning at 6AM. Program-Henry will let Colby know to contact the Zonta Club for a joint meeting re: Sight Night. Membership-Tom stated that Anne is in the lead for new members with the application of Andrew Scapone. Orientation for new members discussion was held for Board Meeting. Blind and Charity-Henry reported that an individual received an opthamalogist exam for the first time in seven years and fitting of new transition,progressive lenses by GI optical at a cost to the Club of $ 86. Vests. Anne stated that only two people have expressed a desire to purchase. The phone committee will poll members in October. New.Business: Dave brought up a new way to do the Split Club which may encourage greater attendance. See notice in the October Newsletter. Motion to adjourn made by Gerry Dubiel,2nd by Shelia.

Respectfully Submitted,
Annette Boies-Lobl.

Grand Island Lions General Meeting October 08, 2008
Grand Island Holiday Inn

President Diane called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.
Tom Rusert led the Pledge to Allegiance.
Tom Witkowski led the song America.
Dick Crawford led the Prayer.
Colby Smith, Program Chair, introduced the evening speakers’ Pat
Gallagher and Dan Genco from the Olmstead for the Visually Impaired.
The Tail Twister (Gerry Dubiel filling in for Dave Pelosi) was released by a motion from Dave Chervinsky.
Grand Island Lions Club Meeting October 22,2008
Buffalo Launch Club
Corrections to Meeting Minutes:
September10,2008 Attendees at the Springville leadership conference should read Lions Colby Smith, Gerry and Diane Dubiel, Dave Chervinsky ,Henry and Annette Lobl.
Board Meeting September 24,2008. Regarding Dues issue. If John Baedeker does not pay dues by 10/22 a letter notifying him of being dropped from the membership will be sent by Corresponding Secretary Kathie Norris.
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM by President Diane Dubiel.
The Pledge was led by Tom Witkowski.
The song was led by Annette Boies-Lobl.
The prayer was said by Paul Bassette.
President Diane introduced Past International Director, John Rabadieux and Ray Jaeklin from the Churchville Lions Club and welcomed Judy Bassette.
Gerry made a motion  which was seconded by Anne Fahning to release the Tail Twister Bill Wind.
Gerry and Anne made and seconded the motion to dismiss the Tail Twister.
President’s Report:
GI Boys Volleyball Club is looking for  support for their Tournament. Request forwarded to the Budget Committee.
A Brochure, for the Holidays,from Niagara Floral of Opportunities Unlimited was received.
PDG Bob Shively sent information regarding a Club Leadership Award. Letter forwarded to the Board.
Niagara Frontier Reading Service Gas Card Raffle with the first prize of $1000 was shared.
Vision Beyond Sight conference was attended by Shelia. Her written report was shared.
Award Presentations:
Lion John Rabadieux presented the Lions International Presidential Commendation to Lion Paul Bassette. An overview of Paul’s involvement with Lionism since 1974 was given.
Lion John expressed appreciation to the Club for the 50+years of  providing a picnic for Special Needs kids.
Lion John also presented a personal pin to Lion Diane from International President Al Brandel.
Lion Diane presented a plaque, expressing the Club’s appreciation to General Manager of the BLC, Jim Henzler for all his efforts with the Special Kids picnic for many years.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report:
Lion Kathie received information regarding NYS/Bermuda Super Bowl .Raffle at the cost of $20/ticket.
Bon Ton Fund Raiser: Kathie reminded members that itis 11/15/08 at Delaware store. Club has first shift 6AM-Noon.Books still available.
Lions Gerry and Diane will act as a vendor to sell books at 11/08 District Conference.
Sight Night. Lion Tom Witkowski passed around slingers which kids will use in their Neighborhood to collect eyeglasses. Drop off will be at Tops on Halloween.
Membership Committee: Lion Tom Russert encouraged all members to sign up at least one new member. Contest only costs $5 to enter.
Peace Poster Contest: Lion Paul reported that Club judging will take  place at his house on 10/30 at 7 PM
Lions Blind  and Charity Fund: Lion Paul reported that 5 Club members Diane, Paul, Annette, Henry and Norm participated in mail stuffing project at UNYTS on 10/18.
All members should open the mail and CONTRIBUTE as the club receives funds based upon this.
New Business:
Lion Paul (via Judy’s eagle eye) reported the death of Dr. Klementowski, an eye physician, who lived on GI and had participated in Club sponsored eye screening years ago. The family has requested that donations be made to the Club’s White Cane Fund.
Dick Crawford  reported that checks have been received.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9PM was made by Lion Dan with second by Bill.
Next Meeting 11/12 at the Holiday Inn.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Boies-Lobl,Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Meeting October 22,2008
Buffalo Launch Club

Corrections to Meeting Minutes:
September10,2008 Attendees at the Springville leadership conference should read Lions Colby Smith, Gerry and Diane Dubiel, Dave Chervinsky ,Henry and Annette Lobl.
Board Meeting September 24,2008. Regarding Dues issue. If John Baedeker does not pay dues by 10/22 a letter notifying him of being dropped from the membership will be sent by Corresponding Secretary Kathie Norris.
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM by President Diane Dubiel.
The Pledge was led by Tom Witkowski.
The song was led by Annette Boies-Lobl.
The prayer was said by Paul Bassette.
President Diane introduced Past International Director, John Rabadieux and Ray Jaeklin from the Churchville Lions Club and welcomed Judy Bassette.
Gerry made a motion  which was seconded by Anne Fahning to release the Tail Twister Bill Wind.
Gerry and Anne made and seconded the motion to dismiss the Tail Twister.
President’s Report:
GI Boys Volleyball Club is looking for  support for their Tournament. Request forwarded to the Budget Committee.
A Brochure, for the Holidays,from Niagara Floral of Opportunities Unlimited was received.
PDG Bob Shively sent information regarding a Club Leadership Award. Letter forwarded to the Board.
Niagara Frontier Reading Service Gas Card Raffle with the first prize of $1000 was shared.
Vision Beyond Sight conference was attended by Shelia. Her written report was shared.
Award Presentations:
Lion John Rabadieux presented the Lions International Presidential Commendation to Lion Paul Bassette. An overview of Paul’s involvement with Lionism since 1974 was given.
Lion John expressed appreciation to the Club for the 50+years of  providing a picnic for Special Needs kids.
Lion John also presented a personal pin to Lion Diane from International President Al Brandel.
Lion Diane presented a plaque, expressing the Club’s appreciation to General Manager of the BLC, Jim Henzler for all his efforts with the Special Kids picnic for many years.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report:
Lion Kathie received information regarding NYS/Bermuda Super Bowl .Raffle at the cost of $20/ticket.
Bon Ton Fund Raiser: Kathie reminded members that itis 11/15/08 at Delaware store. Club has first shift 6AM-Noon.Books still available.
Lions Gerry and Diane will act as a vendor to sell books at 11/08 District Conference.
Sight Night. Lion Tom Witkowski passed around slingers which kids will use in their Neighborhood to collect eyeglasses. Drop off will be at Tops on Halloween.
Membership Committee: Lion Tom Russert encouraged all members to sign up at least one new member. Contest only costs $5 to enter.
Peace Poster Contest: Lion Paul reported that Club judging will take  place at his house on 10/30 at 7 PM
Lions Blind  and Charity Fund: Lion Paul reported that 5 Club members Diane, Paul, Annette, Henry and Norm participated in mail stuffing project at UNYTS on 10/18.
All members should open the mail and CONTRIBUTE as the club receives funds based upon this.
New Business:
Lion Paul (via Judy’s eagle eye) reported the death of Dr. Klementowski, an eye physician, who lived on GI and had participated in Club sponsored eye screening years ago. The family has requested that donations be made to the Club’s White Cane Fund.
Dick Crawford  reported that checks have been received.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9PM was made by Lion Dan with second by Bill.
Next Meeting 11/12 at the Holiday Inn.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Boies-Lobl,Secretary

General Membership Meeting of Nov. 12, 2008  - Minutes

Meeting called to order by President Diane Dubiel at 7:10 P.M. at the Holiday Inn.   The pledge to the flag, patriotic song and prayer were held followed by introduction of guests.  Cheyanne Colby and her mother Alysha Colby were introduced along with guest speaker Heather Buyea, a teacher in the BOCES classes from the Grand Island School District.  Tail Twister Lion Bill Wind sprang into action asking Lions questions regarding the Thanksgiving Holiday facts.  Split Club drawing was won by Lion Bill Wind but he did not draw the ace of spades to win the split club money.
President Diane Dubiel conducted business with announcements.  First, the Huth Road Elementary School will be celebrating its 50th anniversary on Dec. 8, 2008 and invited our Lions Club members to attend activities at 1:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. on Dec. 8 at the Huth Road School.
Opportunities Unlimited of Niagara will be holding a gift-wrap charity at the Fashion Outlet of Niagara Falls from Dec. 1 – 24, 2008 and are looking for volunteers to work at the charity event.
Sunshine Committee – No report.
Birthdays for November were announced and club sang Happy Birthday to Lion Floyd Doring
Lion Tom Witkowski gave a report on Sight Night held on Oct. 31 for the collection of used eyeglasses and hearing aids.
Lion Floyd Doring reported on the Lions Club Christmas Party scheduled for Dec. 10 at the B.L.C.  However, he inquired if we could change the date to Dec. 12 or 13 since Floyd, who is the chair of this event, cannot make the party.  A final announcement will be forth coming in the near future to finalize the day for the party.
Lion Secretary Kathy Norris read her correspondence.  One was from Lions Club International giving our club a banner patch of excellence for our increase in membership for 2007-2008.  We also received another letter of commendation and banner patch for membership retention.  Lion Tom Rusert, membership chair. received a Membership Leader pin also.
A letter from Lion R.J. Silliman, chair of District 20N for the Ray Wheeler Humanitarian Fund, requesting $.50 per club member to aid this fund.
Lion Kathy Norris, chair for the Community Day at the Bon Ton Stores on Nov. 15, 2008, gave her report.  She indicated those with $5.00 certificates can start this week shopping and pick up purchases on Nov. 15.  She also stated we need more volunteers to work at the volunteer table at Bon Ton Delaware Ave. store.
Lion President Diane Dubiel stated that our club will be in nomination for the Lions Club International Heroes Award for our Special Kids Picnic project.  The top 3 candidates (Lions Clubs) for this award will be invited to go to the Lions Club International Convention, 2009 held at Minneapolis, Mn.
Lion Paul Bassette, chair of the Peace Poster Contest, gave a report on recent Peace Poster Contest winners and our winning Peace Poster in competition for District 20N competition with other clubs at the Nov. 8, 2008 Cabinet Meeting.  Our winner did not win any honors in District 20N competition.
Lion Tom Witkowski introduced Cheyanne Colby and presented her with a framed magazine page taken from a recent "The Lions magazine" showing her with her vast collection of eyeglasses for Sight Night held at Grand Island.  Cheyanne collected 444 eyeglasses for this year’s Sight Night.  The framed magazine photo page was signed by all Lions present at the meeting.
Heather Buyea, a Grand Island teacher from the BOCES program, told us about one of her visually impaired students in her class.  The young boy has Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (L.O.H. D.) eye disease and needs a software program to assist him in independent study at home.  Since the school district will not purchase any equipment for home use, she is asking our club to assist in paying for the soft ware program for independent study at home costing $895. 
Motion made by Lion Dick Planavsky and seconded by Lion Anne Fahning to defer to our Board of Directors this issue of assisting this young boy who has L.O.H.D. eye disease a soft ware program costing $895.   Motion was passed unanimously.
Lion Paul Bassette gave a report on important issues and matters resulting from the District 20N Cabinet Meeting of Nov. 8, 2008.  He stated that the Buffalo Latino Club had its charter night on Nov. 1, 2008 and was the first new club in District 20N in 20 years.
Total membership of District 20N is down 20 members from last year at this time.
Lion Bassette indicated that November is Lions Diabetes Month and gave some important information about diabetes.  He suggested that our club do something regarding the problem of diabetes in our community and Lion Shelia Ferrentino will form a committee to see what our club can do about informing our community on the problem of diabetes.
The District 20N Long Range Planning Committee is dealing with several issues, one of which is the financial costs of printing of the District Governors Niagara Frontier Lion.  A suggestion will be presented to each club to have the monthly publication sent electronically to the clubs at a cost of $7.00 and then the club could print it for each member.  This would save on costs of $5.00 per member as done presently.  A letter will be sent to each club President in District 20N regarding this issue.
Vision Beyond Sight Foundation needs volunteers at the Ira. G. Ross Eye Institute in Buffalo to assist clients with paper work, etc. before eye exams.
Nominations were held for Vice District Governor and District Governor for 2009-2010.  Lion Gary Green from the Orchard Park Lions was unanimously nominated for Vice District Governor and Lion Dave Gehring from the West Seneca Lions was unanimously nominated for District Governor.
Under Old Business, Lion Fred Ruocco will contact the Merritton Lions Club if they want us to have a separate meeting with them in Merritton or join them at their up coming 70th anniversary.  The Merritton Lions will visit our club on Jan. 14, 2009 at the Knights of Columbus.
Under New Business, Lion Floyd Doring stated his concerns about the lack of new member involvement.  Lion Dan Morabito further discussed his concerns that our meetings are too long and much should be cut out.  Discussions continued and motion made by Lion Paul Bassette to table these issues until a sub committee selected by the Board of Directors can study them.  Motion seconded by Lion Dick Crawford.  Motion passed.
Lion Kathy Norris moved to adjourn meeting with a second by Lion Jerry Dubiel.  Meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Recording Secretary